Archive for February 2006

I’m back!! Latest [good] news.

Hello there!!

It’s been a while since I last wrote something here, I know…but I’ve been doing so many fucking things in these days that I can’t even remember them all…

MiniKitty.gif News number one: I’ll be graduated in two weeks!!! Still can’t believe it. This was the hadest thing of my life, it took me almost 8 montrhs to complete that damn thesis and now it’s almost over…maybe I’m gonna miss it? Well, maybe.

MiniKitty.gif News number two: on Friday 24th my boyfriend’s band, H-less, performed @ Zoe, Milan, to celebrate the release fo their first single, Cage of regrets. I love it!! The gig was delirious, they played at their best and I’m proud of them all, especially of my hunny Di.

MiniKitty.gif News number three: I’m effin scared about getting graduated!!!!!!! On the 14th March at 9 o’ clock I’ll be standing there, in front of 6 people to listen to me…I only hope I’ll be able to open my mouth and say something smart… I fear I’ll forget everything in a couple of seconds…

Fuck, I can do it.

And now I’m gonna watch ” Million Dollar Baby”…I’ve heard it’s great…

Please check this sites!!


They’re effin fantabulous.

Add a comment February 27, 2006

You’re the best

And once again he surprised me…

…while he was out for work he decided to visit me for a short while, just the time for a coffee…He’s sooo sweet I can’t tell.

Yesterday we had a great dinner with his mates! The girls are just effin’ cool, love them… The guys are sweet and lot of fun and I really had the time of my life…

I just wish we’ll find a lil’ sweet home for the two of us as soon as possible…’coz I just can’t do without him anymore… I need him next to me every single moment of my day and night…

OoOoOo I’m sooo romantic…

Love him to death. Really. 


Add a comment February 6, 2006


oggi devo studiare. bad bad day…fcuk!

Add a comment February 2, 2006

friends: the ladiez

le mie amiche sono le migliori del mondo!!

Add a comment February 2, 2006


prova 1 2 3 speriamo che funzioniiiiiiiiiii

Add a comment February 2, 2006

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

1 comment February 2, 2006


Hello there, I’m back!

I know I shouldn’t but since I have money in my wallet I can’t resist spending it in clothes, bags and stuff. Today, for example, I bought a very nice t-shirt and two bags…but believe me, I didn’t spend a lot…

I do know what business is: I just adore sales…you [I…] always find something you [I…] like.

Rule number one: verify if the sale is REAL: honest shops show the old prince and the new one.

Rule numer two: never buy the first thing you see; have a look around, try different shops you know and trust and “analyze” every piece of clothes you are REALLY interested in. Throwing money away is no good, even if it’s sales time.

Rule number three: try on everything, above all if you size changes together with the line of a pair of jeans or trousers. Don’t forget that during sales it is not possible to change what you buy.

You are sure, convinced and completely in love with that sparkling tank top or that latest fashion pair of jeans?

Ok. Now you are ready to buy!

Good luck chicas!

Add a comment February 1, 2006






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