Posts filed under: ‘♥Friends♥‘

The ladies’ night

OMG yesterday I spent such a wonderful evening+night with my girls!

At 7.30 I met Vi, we went at Blender’s for a drink; we hadn’t talked in a [too long] while, so yesterday we had the chance for a good chat together. I love her sooo much!

At 9.45 we went at Zopa’s where we met the other girls: Ali, Vale, Ciga, Ale, Manu. Some of the guys were there too, but they were not supposed to spend the rest of the evening with us…it was the 8th of march, Women’s Day!!

Finally Vale, Vi and me waited for Scilla and went to LimeLight for a disco night, where the other girls were aleready waiting for us…

We were all drunk and had been away from discos for too long! I totally had the time of my life, the music was great, my friends were perfect and I wasn’t tired at all…

Unfortunately at 2.30 we left, I could have danced all night long!

Today Ali and Vale visited me…they were supposed to come with Vi, Ale and Ciga as well, but they were all busy…

…so I guess I’ll have to wait a lil’ more for my birthday gift…I’m curious!!

Lil’ Lu, I didn’t forget about you and I never will…you’re always in my heart, you know you are, I think of you every single day of my life and I hope that you’re doing fine, wherever you are…

I miss you baby.

2 comments March 9, 2006

I’m back!! Latest [good] news.

Hello there!!

It’s been a while since I last wrote something here, I know…but I’ve been doing so many fucking things in these days that I can’t even remember them all…

MiniKitty.gif News number one: I’ll be graduated in two weeks!!! Still can’t believe it. This was the hadest thing of my life, it took me almost 8 montrhs to complete that damn thesis and now it’s almost over…maybe I’m gonna miss it? Well, maybe.

MiniKitty.gif News number two: on Friday 24th my boyfriend’s band, H-less, performed @ Zoe, Milan, to celebrate the release fo their first single, Cage of regrets. I love it!! The gig was delirious, they played at their best and I’m proud of them all, especially of my hunny Di.

MiniKitty.gif News number three: I’m effin scared about getting graduated!!!!!!! On the 14th March at 9 o’ clock I’ll be standing there, in front of 6 people to listen to me…I only hope I’ll be able to open my mouth and say something smart… I fear I’ll forget everything in a couple of seconds…

Fuck, I can do it.

And now I’m gonna watch ” Million Dollar Baby”…I’ve heard it’s great…

Please check this sites!!


They’re effin fantabulous.

Add a comment February 27, 2006






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